One week left!
Today I started making my room ready for my friend who is going to rent it while I'm in Honduras, putting away all of my winter clothes. In one week I will be on my way, it feels hard to believe. I will be leaving these snowy surroundings and start living in a new reality. It's going to take a lot of energy trying to understand new social codes and conditions, but this is also something very interesting and exiting. I'm looking forward to get new perspectives and to discover new things. Im also sure that I will be meeting some very inspiring persons during my stay in Teguz. Exiting! Now I have one week to prepare the last few things and meet up with friends and family, that I know I will miss a lot. By the way, some days ago I was interviewed by Peace Works, you can find the interview here (the interview is in Swedish):
The view from my home, I wonder how it will look like in a week..