fredag 7 februari 2014

Some new things I've learned so far

The honduran people that I have met so far are huge Colombia fans. My family have been there and has colombia magnets on their fridge and some other souvenirs from Colombia decorating their home. The hondurans I have met think the colombian accent is the nicest accent in Latin America and talk very warmly about the colombian people and culture, and many persons mentions Cartagena as a very beautiful city. This was a nice surprise for me as I share their love for Colombia. And, they also point with their mouths, just like the Colombians! Another plus I must say, love the mouth pointing. 

Dengue fever is not a big deal here. Everybody has had it and everybody will have it again. Here it is concerned as a fever that is not very pleasant but neither something serious. People do not really protect themselves from the dengue mosquito, some put some kind of electric device in their room to keep them away. Good to know!

Tampons are tabu here. I had no idea that tampons were considered something shameful and absolutely not a thing that you ask your mom to go buy for you. Some people believe that you loose your virginity if you use tampons. It seems like the people don't really know how to use them. In the supermarkets, the pads are all over the place but the tampons are rare. 

I've learned about the Garifuna people that lives on the caribbean cost of Honduras. They are descendants from the Caribs, Arawaks and West Africans. They speak their own language and have their own dances (la punta is the most popular one), food and music. And the music is really good! check this band out for example: 

And some punta dancing:

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